COVID-19 Response

Extra Safety Measures

Here are all of the additional health and safety precautions we’re taking at BE2 Pilates:

Equipment will be thoroughly disinfected at the start of the day and throughout the day after each use. We’ve allowed for more time between sessions so we are able to clean equipment and our facility more effectively. This includes the regular cleaning of doorknobs, handrails, front desk area, and any other surfaces or objects (ex. pens) that are touched throughout the day. Our facility will also have a deep clean on a daily basis.

We’ve updated our workout programming so you will be able to workout in your own dedicated space, and will not have to share equipment during your workout. All equipment is six feet apart.

We will keep the studio well ventilated by adjusting the air conditioning as needed. Please do not ask to change the temperature. Ceiling fans WILL NOT be allowed to be turned on according to recommendations of the CDC.

These items will be readily available for your use throughout the studio.

Our teachers will be wearing masks while teaching in the studio for as long as it’s necessary. If you’d like to wear one, please do! Luckily the governor of Virginia has not deemed masks mandatory while exercising, so the choice is yours!

Our staff will be washing their hands when they arrive and leave for at LEAST 20 seconds, and also throughout the day after each session. We will also take our temperature at the beginning of each shift and if deemed necessary, we may ask to take yours.

We are in this together, and we need YOUR help as we reopen to keep our studio as safe as possible.
1. No Shoes Worn In the Studio: Leave your shoes at the door.
2. Hand Washing: Please wash your hands (up to your elbows) for at LEAST 20 seconds BEFORE and AFTER your workout.
3. Keeping Equipment Clean: Please wipe down every piece of equipment each use (with our provided disinfectant wipes). The teachers will do deep cleanings.
4. Please Stay Home If You’re Not Well: If you’re not feeling 100%, please stay home and rest or participate in our virtual sessions until you are feeling better. (Our team will also be following this policy!)
5. No Lobby Area for the time being: Because of social distancing guidelines, we will not allow anybody to wait in the studio for their session to start. Please text your teacher when you are in the parking lot and we will text you when you can come up.
6. Do Not Bring Children: Again…we will not have a lobby area for anyone to sit and wait for you. Only YOU are allowed in the studio for your allotted time.
7. New Studio Procedures: All scheduling shall be done online or directly with your instructor. Please DO NOT CALL the studio to book, change or cancel any appointments!
  • Before attending any sessions in the studio you MUST SIGN a COVID-19 waiver. We will email you a copy for your review before your lesson.

  • All payments must be taken care of before your session and will be charged from your package or credit card on account.

  • We will not lend out towels. If you would like a towel to use during your session, please bring one from home.

  • As always, socks are required. If you forget them, we have them for sale at the studio. We will not be lending any socks.

  • There are no cubbies for your items. Please bring minimal items into the studio with you (keys only if possible). You will be given your own bin to put your belongings in and they will stay in their allotted place until you are ready to leave. We will thoroughly clean the bins after each use.

    • No personal belongings are allowed near the equipment except for a water bottle, if needed.

    • Anything left in the studio will be thrown away at the end of the day, so don’t forget your water bottles.

    Phew! That was a lot to cover! Please know the above may change slightly if government recommendations change.

    We cannot WAIT to see you in the studio! As always, we’re here for you. If you have any questions or need anything, reach out any time.