
Laurie R.

I love Pilates.

I’ve not been athletic since my teens and have never followed an exercise program for any length of time … but Pilates offers me the social support and personalized supervision I need. After I had cervical surgery last year (3 discs removed and bones fused) I was confident that my instructors would know how to build my strength up again safely. And soon I was back to a normal (for me) workout.

I love the friendliness of the staff and clients; I love the tailored, personalized workout; I love the personal supervision by instructors who know bodies and know me; and — yes — I love the variety of equipment in the studio that keeps workouts from being boring.

When the pandemic hit and the studio closed, I knew I wanted to continue to exercise — and I knew I wouldn’t do it by myself. So trying a Zoom class seemed a good option.

It was fun!

I am amazed at how well the virtual classes work. I do one class and one private a week. My creative instructors have been able to vary the routines and use different “props” to keep things interesting. I bought a foam roller and borrowed a theraband and hand weights — and this week I used my granddaughter’s big “Frozen” ball when I didn’t have a magic circle. We use my piano bench for some exercises — but the best prop is a large, sturdy Ikea footstool that we use for short box!

The virtual class doesn’t require a lot of space, and I place my computer on the floor a few feet away for a clear view. The instructor can see me, and I can see her as she demonstrates different moves.

If anyone had told me early in the year that I’d be happily taking mat classes in July, I’d have thought they were nuts! I do miss the Reformer, and look forward to returning to the studio, but for now, this is a perfect setup.


I have been going to BE2 (and Studio BE before) for a couple of years now and love the atmosphere! I am not a fan of large, commercial gyms or large group classes. BE2 is the perfect fit for me – the classes are small, which allows for personalized training and correction from each of the instructors. I primarily take Pilates mat and group equipment classes for strength and toning. This supplements my other exercise routine, which includes running and walking. This comprehensive program, combined with better eating, has allowed me to lose approximately 25 pounds over the past few months. After sitting all day at a desk and computer, Pilates is exactly what I need to relax and stretch my muscles. I use to get monthly massages to deal with my lower back pain. With Pilates 2-3 times per week, which has strengthened my core, I no longer need massages as a treatment method! I cannot say enough nice things about the instructors at BE2 Pilates.

Betsy M.

It was October 2016. I was 63 years old and two years post-op from my second spinal surgery. More than 18 months of physical therapy had ceased to make a difference. I could only walk very short distances without the use of a cane and was afraid to lift anything heavy because I might injure my back. I knew nothing about Pilates, but I needed some form of exercise to regain strength and flexibility, and to improve my posture. After meeting with Carla, I signed up for an introductory package and started one-onone sessions, eventually settling into a routine of two sessions a week, each with a specific instructor. One year later, I can say with absolute certainty that this was one of the best decisions of my life. Not only have my strength, flexibility, and confidence vastly improved, but my posture is better and I am less reliant on my cane. I am no longer afraid of lifting reasonably heavy objects. On vacation in Europe this past summer, I surpassed my expectations of what I would be able to do—how far I could walk, how many steps I could climb, etc. Although, with the help of BE2’s instructors, I have achieved my original goals, I am continuously setting and reaching new ones. My instructors at BE2 provide a wonderfully supportive environment, helping me find a way to continue to make progress. The Pilates method allows for unlimited variation and creativity in how to approach an exercise—if one way is too difficult, the instructors find another way. The relationship with my instructors, coupled with this “outof-the-box,” unique way of thinking, creates a sense of teamwork and gives me the ability to move forward. I would recommend BE2 to anyone looking for a way to improve their physical and mental conditioning. I look forward to the two hours I spend in the studio every week and am very grateful that this has become a regular part of my life.

Tina F.

I came across Studio Be Pilates via a friend’s recommendation. I have struggled with pain and a compromised range of motion for years due an auto-immune disease called Ankylosing Spondylitis. In short it is a rheumatological disorder that affects the spine but it attacks many joints as well. I was a bit apprehensive about signing up at first because I was not sure what to expect from Pilates on equipment, and I was fearful that it would be difficult and painful, but I was so wrong. Studio Be Makes the transition for beginners so super easy and slow because they require that you sign up for a 5 sessions beginner’s package first. I have been going to Studio Be for 4 years now and I just love it ! I have found that the equipment has helped me tremendously in improving my range of motion. I feel so much stronger, more flexible and it has even improved my balance. I can’t say enough about the staff at BE2. I work with Sabrina, and have worked with Julia, who are so understanding and encouraging. However, I have been taught by many different instructors and they are all very well trained, patient and aware of any limitations and work with my abilities. One thing that I am sure of is that Pilates is for everyone!! From the beginner to the advanced and from young to mature, there is a class and a routine that works for you.

Rachel B.

I just wanted to say thank you for making my summer vacation one of the best in years. I started sessions last November and am now up to 3 [sessions] a week. I went to Utah and Colorado for 8 days. I hiked up a trail that was 1000 ft up in altitude and a mile long, I river rafted, hiked up to the top of the continental divide and zip-lined. Felt great! I’m achieving my goals thanks to you all!

Mary C.

Two 5K’s in 6 days!  Unbelievable!  A year ago I was using a cane to try to walk the length of my driveway.  I was rehabbing from back surgery.  Thanks to my surgeon, his rehab team (who recommended Pilates), and Pilates I am now able to actively participate in my life. Finding the right Pilates studio for me was important; since I looked it is a continuation of my rehab.  Luckily I found BE2 Pilates.   The instructors at BE2 Pilates are excellent – very well trained. I started Pilates at Studio Be two times a week this past September.  The instructor took me from where I was (post op) and gently moved me along to where I am today (able to complete 5K’s).  My balance, flexibility and endurance continue to improve and I continue to enjoy my “new” active life. Here’s to Life and BE2.

Cathy O.

I have had MS for 20 years. Exercise has always been an important part of my life both physically and mentally. Since no medication has helped, my doctors have told me the reason I am doing so well is the fact that I exercise almost everyday. A few years ago a friend suggested I add Pilates into my exercise program. I have been working with a personnel instructor at BE2 Pilates since that time. I have found Pilates has helped me a very different way than my other exercise has. I have become much more aware of my body, especially my posture my core muscles. Most importantly even when not working with Julia I am aware of my body and how I am controlling it. I feel stronger and more importantly I feel I have more control of my muscles both large and small.


This is a great place – everyone genuinely wants to help even people completely new to Pilates such as myself to get the best out of this system. The studio is nice and clean and welcoming and the people are just fantastic.